Meet Dorie

Award-winning longarm quilter, author, and teacher

Dorie Hruska was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri, as part of a family with quilting and crafting deeply embedded in their genes.

Now that her children have flown the nest, Dorie finds she has more time to devote to her quilting business through teaching, writing, and creating. Her custom work has hung in numerous local and national shows, and she is recognized in the industry as an award-winning quilter. 

Dorie has been obsessed with finding the continuous path in quilting since she purchased her first longarm in 2002. Along the way, she became an APQS Dealer, and now she works magic on an APQS Millie. She has continued to develop her quilting and teaching skills through the 22+ years that she has been professionally quilting, and she is so excited about what the future holds in the quilting industry! 

In a recent Teacher Spotlight article by Bob Ruggiero, Dorie and Bob discussed her quilting journey and what she envisions for her future, including what Quilting Superpower she might like to have.      Read the article here.